

Adding Coolant

It is very important to use prediluted coolant approved to the correct specification in order to avoid plugging the small passageways in the engine cooling system. See Capacities and Specifications (page 372). Do not mix different colors or types of coolant in your vehicle. Mixing of engine coolants or using an incorrect coolant may harm the engine or cooling system components and may not be covered by the vehicle Warranty. Note: If prediluted coolant is not available, use the approved concentrated coolant diluting it to 50/50 with distilled water. See Capacities and Specifications (page 372). Using water that has not been deionised may contribute to deposit formation, corrosion and plugging of the small cooling system passageways. Note: Coolants marketed for all makes and models may not be approved to Ford specifications and may cause damage to the cooling system. Resulting component damage may not be covered by the vehicle Warranty.

If the coolant level is at or below the minimum mark, add prediluted coolant immediately. To top up the coolant level do the following: 1. Unscrew the cap slowly. Any pressure escapes as you unscrew the cap. 2. Add prediluted coolant approved to the correct specification. See Capacities and Specifications (page 372). 3. Add enough prediluted coolant to reach the correct level. 4. Replace the coolant reservoir cap, turn it clockwise until you feel a strong resistance. 5. Check the coolant level in the coolant reservoir the next few times you drive your vehicle. If necessary, add enough prediluted engine coolant to bring the coolant level to the correct level. If you have to add more than 1.1 qt (1 L) of engine coolant per month, have your vehicle checked as soon as possible. Operating an engine with a low level of coolant can result in engine overheating and possible engine damage.

WARNINGS Do not add engine coolant when the engine is hot. Failure to follow this instruction could result in personal injury.

Never remove the coolant reservoir cap when the engine is running or hot.

Note: Automotive fluids are not interchangeable. Take care not to put engine coolant in the windshield washer fluid reservoir or windshield washer fluid in the engine coolant reservoir. Note: Do not use stop leak pellets, cooling system sealants, or non-specified additives as they can cause damage to the engine cooling or heating systems. Resulting component damage may not be covered by the vehicle Warranty.


Continental (CPL) Canada/United States of America, enUSA, Edition date: 201706, First Printing

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