2018-F150-Owner's Manual


System is circling something beside the sticker or system cannot find the sticker: • Make sure the rear camera is clean and the sticker is clearly visible in the camera image. Clean the camera and sticker if necessary. • The camera system uses the entered measurements to help locate the sticker. Inaccurate sticker measurements degrade the system’s ability to locate the sticker. Verify the measurements you enter into the system are accurate. • Remove the incorrectly circled label or decal if possible. • If you cannot resolve the issue, try a new sticker location. The sticker location must still meet the requirements noted in step 3 of the setup instructions. Only one sticker can be placed on the trailer for correct system function. The previous sticker must be removed or covered so only one sticker is visible to the camera. Calibration The systemmonitors various vehicle parameters to ensure your vehicle is being driven straight and the trailer is straight behind your vehicle. Any steering input or trailer movement pauses the calibration. For best results: • Use a long, straight, smooth and level road when attempting to calibrate. • Drive straight forward. • Drive between 4–24 mph (6–39 km/h). SystemOperation The following warnings or difficulties may occur during feature operation. Tips to resolve them are listed below.

The system is not available: • The system relies on many

sub-systems in your vehicle to operate correctly. If those sub-systems are not operating correctly, the systemmay not be available. • Low battery voltage is a condition which prevents the system from operating. Please make sure the battery is correctly charged if the system is not available. • You may need to drive your vehicle • If the message continues to display, see your authorized dealer for service. Sticker lost: • If the system cannot initially find the sticker, it may be necessary for you to change the lighting conditions by moving the vehicle and trailer or waiting until conditions change. • Check for the following if you receive the lost sticker message while using the system. • Stop your vehicle as soon as the message displays. • Make sure the sticker is visible and the pattern is discernable in the rear view camera image. • Clean the sticker and camera to make sure they are unobstructed. • Clean the lens with a soft, lint-free cloth and water. • Clean the sticker with isopropyl rubbing alcohol sprayed directly onto the sticker, and thenwipe cleanwith a soft cloth. straight forward above 25 mph (40 km/h) before the system is available again.



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