2018-F150-Owner's Manual


Menu item

Action and description


Replay audio on the current channel. You can replay approx- imately 45 minutes of audio as long as you remain tuned to the current station. Changing stations erases the previous audio.


When you are in replay mode, you are not able to select a different preset until you return to live audio. Pressing this button returns you to the live broadcast.


Save the current song, artist, or teamas a favorite. The system alerts you when it plays again on any channel. Selecting this button allows you to enable and edit alerts. See Settings (page 524).

There are three preset banks available for SiriusXM. To access additional presets, tap the preset button. The indicator on the preset button showswhichbank of presets you are currently viewing. Satellite Radio Electronic Serial Number (ESN) You need your ESN to activate, modify or track your satellite radio account. See Settings (page 524).

Memory Presets To set a preset, tune to the station then press and hold one of the memory preset buttons. The audiomutes briefly while the system saves the station and returns once the station is stored.

SiriusXMSatellite Radio Reception Factors and Troubleshooting Potential reception issues

Antenna obstructions

For optimal reception performance, keep the antenna clear of snow and ice build-up and keep luggage and other materials as far away from the antenna as possible. Hills, mountains, tall buildings, bridges, tunnels, freeway overpasses, parking garages, dense tree foliage and thunder- storms can interfere with your reception. When you pass a ground-based broadcast-repeating tower, a stronger signal may overtake a weaker one and the audio systemmay mute. Your display may show ACQUIRING... to indicate the interfer- ence and the audio systemmay mute.


Station overload

Satellite radio signal interference



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