All-Wheel Drive (If Equipped)
system has adequately cooled, the AWD OFF message turns off and normal AWD function returns. In the event the engine is not stopped, the AWDOFF message turns off when the system cools and normal AWD function returns. When driving at slow speeds in deep sand under high outside temperatures, use L (Low) gear when possible. L (Low) gear operation will maximize the engine and transmission cooling capability. Under severe operating conditions, theA/C may cycle on and off to protect overheating of the engine. Avoid excessive speed because vehicle momentum can work against you and cause the vehicle to become stuck to the point that assistancemay be required from another vehicle. Remember, you may be able to back out the way you came if you proceed with caution. Mud andWater If you must drive through high water, drive slowly. Traction or brake capability may be limited. When driving throughwater, determine the depth; avoidwater higher than the bottom of the wheel rims (for cars) or the bottom of the hubs (for trucks) (if possible) and proceed slowly. If the ignition system gets wet, the vehicle may stall. Once throughwater, always try the brakes. Wet brakes do not stop the vehicle as effectively as dry brakes. Drying can be improved by moving your vehicle slowly while applying light pressure on the brake pedal.
Be cautious of sudden changes in vehicle speed or direction when you are driving in mud. Even AWD vehicles can lose traction in slick mud. As when you are driving over sand, apply the accelerator slowly and avoid spinning your wheels. If the vehicle does slide, steer in the direction of the slide until you regain control of the vehicle. After driving throughmud, clean off residue stuck to rotating driveshafts and tires. Excess mud stuck on tires and rotating driveshafts causes an imbalance that could damage drive components. Note: Driving through deep water may damage the transmission. If the front or rear axle is submerged in water, have the power transfer unit (PTU) or rear axle serviced by an authorized dealer. E143950 “Tread Lightly” is an educational program designed to increase public awareness of land-use regulations and responsibilities in our nationswilderness areas. FordMotor Company joins the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management in encouraging you to help preserve our national forest andother public andprivate lands by “treading lightly.” Driving on Hilly or Sloping Terrain Note: Avoid driving crosswise or turning on steep slopes or hills. A danger lies in losing traction, slipping sideways and possibly rolling over. Whenever driving on a hill, determine beforehand the route you will use. Do not drive over the crest of a hill without seeing what conditions are on the other side. Do not drive in reverse over a hill without the aid of an observer.
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