

HowWe Share Information: We may use and share non-personal information for any purpose. We do not provide your Personal Information to anyone for independent use, without providing you a choice, except authorized dealers and our affiliates. We also share your Personal Informationwith trusted service providers, under agreements that limit howtheymay use your personal information and require adequate safeguards. Our affiliates mean the group of companies related by common control or ownership. We may provide your Personal Information to external companies under contract with us to enable delivery of the services and where they are subject to confidentiality and security obligations. We may share your Personal Information without notice to you where we believe that doing so is reasonably necessary to: comply with a legal requirement or enforceable governmental request; protect and defend the rights or property of us and our affiliates; act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of us or affiliate personnel, users of our vehicles, websites or apps, or the public; and detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security, safety, or privacy issues. Your Consent: By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you expressly agree to the collection, logging, storage, and sharing of the information as collected as aforesaid for the purposes set forth above. Further, you agree to obtain the consent to the collection, logging, storage, use and sharing of the information as collected as aforesaid from any of your Authorized Users of your vehicle and/or Device for the purposes set forth above. You understand and consent to the collection, use, processing, transfer, anddisclosure of your Personal Information globally (including to the United States), to the extent in compliancewith theprecedingparagraphs of this section and applicable laws. To the

fullest extent allowed by applicable law, such information may be transferred across country borders, and used, processed, and disclosed in global locations that may have different levels of privacy protection than in your own country. If you do not consent or do not wish to disclose this information, do not use Device and Service. How to Contact Us, Access, or Control the Use of Your Information: For more information or to request correction or removal of personal information, contact us as set forth in the Contact Us section below. Security and Retention of Your Information: We use systems, policies, procedures, and technology to provide reasonable security to protect and maintain the security and accuracy of your information. We will only retain your Personal Information for so long as reasonably necessary to fulfill legitimate business purposes. Privacy Policy EffectiveDate andRevisions: This Privacy Policy may be updated in order to reflect any changes toDevice, App and/or Services or privacy practices. 7. Modification of These Terms and Conditions Ford may at their sole discretion, with or without notice, modify these Terms and Conditions at any time and such modificationswill be effective immediately upon being posted on the App or at www.Ford.com.cn or otherwise notified to you. Your continued use of Devide or Service will indicate your acceptance of these modified Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to the Terms and Conditions or any modification of the Terms and Conditions, you must immediately stopusingDevice andService.


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