
Cruise Control

2. Keep the brake pedal fully pressed. 3. Press RES+ . 4. The set speed adjusts to 20 mph (30 km/h). 5. A green indicator light, the current gap setting and your set speed appear in the information display. Following a Vehicle WARNINGS When following a vehicle, your vehicle does not always decelerate quickly enough to avoid a crash without driver intervention. Always apply the brakes when necessary. Failing to do so may result in a crash, serious injury or death. Adaptive cruise control only warns of vehicles detected by the radar sensor. In some cases there may be no warning or a delayed warning. You should always apply the brakes when necessary. Failure to do so may result in a crash, serious injury or death. Note: When you are following a vehicle and you switch on a direction indicator, adaptive cruise control may provide a small temporary acceleration to help you pass. Note: The brakes may emit noise when applied by the system. When a vehicle ahead of you enters the same lane or a slower vehicle is ahead in the same lane, the vehicle speed adjusts to maintain a preset gap distance. A vehicle graphic illuminates in the instrument cluster.

E183738 SettingtheAdaptiveCruiseSpeed Note: When adaptive cruise control is active, the speedometer may vary slightly from the set speed displayed in the information display. 1. Drive to desired speed. 2. Press SET- . 3. A green indicator light, the current gap setting and your set speed appear in the information display. 4. Take your foot off the accelerator pedal.

E183738 5. A vehicle image illuminates if the systemdetects a vehicle in front of you. SettingtheAdaptiveCruiseSpeed When Your Vehicle is Stationary 1. Follow a vehicle to a complete stop.



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