2018 Fusion Owner's Manual

Information Displays

Automatic Engine Shutdown



Engine Shuts Off In {seconds to shut off:#0} Seconds Engine Shut Off For Fuel Economy Engine Shuts Off in {seconds to shut off:#0} Seconds Press Ok to Override

The engine is getting ready to shut off.

The engine has shut off to help increase fuel economy.

The engine is getting ready to shut off. You can press OK on the left steering wheel button to override the shut down.

All-Wheel Drive



AWD Temporarily Disabled

The all-wheel drive system temporarily turns off to protect itself from overheating. The all-wheel drive system temporarily turns off to protect itself fromoverheating or if you are using the temporary spare tire. The all-wheel drive system will resume normal function and clear thismessage after driving a short distancewith the road tire re-installed or after the system cools. The all-wheel drive system is not operating properly. If the warning stays on or continues to come on, contact an authorized dealer as soon as possible.


AWD Restored

AWD Malfunction Service Required



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