2018-MKX-Owner's Manual





Information for current audio playing.

Select source. View current road and speed limit (if information is available).


View current route, next turn, time to your destination (depending on cluster level), distance to destination (depending on cluster level), and ability to cancel route. If you do not have an active navigation route programed, the compass is shown. If you are not on a call, a call can be made by selecting: * Quick dial If you are on a call, the call information is displayed on the information display. If you are receiving a call, you can accept it by selecting OK on the right-hand steering wheel controls. Missed calls Outgoing calls Incoming calls All calls


* Depending on your vehicle options, all of these choices may not display.

The selection menu expands and different options appear. • Press the up and down arrows to scroll through the modes. • Press the right arrow to enter the mode, use the left arrow to exit the mode.

• Press the up and down arrows to make adjustments within the chosen mode. • Press OK to confirm your selection.

Use the OK and arrow buttons on the right side of your steering wheel to scroll through the available modes.


MKX (CD9) Canada/United States of America, enUSA, Edition date: 201707, First Printing

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