2018 Maserati Accessory Brochure

Care and Protection

Fitted Cost : Indoor Car Cover

1,681.00 AED +VAT

The Indoor Car Cover, specially designed for the Ghibli, traces the muscular lines of the car body, enveloping and protecting it to perfection.

• Made-to-measure using a quality anti-laddering Maserati

Blue fabric.

• The cover is finished with contrasting light-grey details that

• further bring out the distinctiveness of the vehicle lines.

Fitted Cost : Outdoor Car Cover

1,941.00 AED +VAT

The Outdoor Car Cover protects the vehicle against dust, scratches and the effects of the weather.

• The high-performance fabric used makes the cover waterproof, breathable and


• Eliminates the wind effects and provides a perfect fit under any conditions.

• The cover comes in a light-grey colour and is branded with Maserati blue details that

highlight the muscular lines of the car.


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