
Turning the MaxCruise® - Predictive Speed Control System off MaxCruise® system shall be deactivated when the set level is brought to OFF position.

• It is important that the driver selects especially the upper limit so that it shall be lower than the permissible speed limit as the upper and lower limits of the driving speed of the vehicle shall change. The driver is responsible for possible increases in the speed. The level selection of the MaxCruise® systemmay be performed while the vehicle is moving or stopped, and the selected level shall be activated when the vehicle is restarted. To operate the MaxCruise® system: 1. Set the MaxCruise® system level to a position other than OFF. 2. Turn the cruise control system on. 3. Set the vehicle speed to a certain value. 4. Remove your foot off the accelerator pedal. 5. Ensure that or symbol is displayed on the screen. 6. Make sure that the upper and lower speed values ​specified in the level selection appear on the display where the driving speed is displayed. WARNING While the MaxCruise® system is active, the cruise control system is also active at the same time. In this respect, adjustment and cancellation of the set speed of the cruise control system as described in the cruise control system are possible, and these changes shall also affect the MaxCruise® system.

WARNING The upper speed limit values ​at different levels of the MaxCruise® systemmay vary according to the values ​specified for the driving speed of the vehicle in the cruise control system. In this respect, there is a maximum limit for the upper limit, and when the level is set, this limit is displayed to the driver on the level adjustment screen. Also, the upper band of the MaxCruise® system, which is actively displayed on the main screen of the instrument panel, may vary depending on the changing driving speed. Changing the Set Level The MaxCruise® system level set may be changed on the relevant screen by the method mentioned above regardless of whether the system is active or not. Changing the set speed of the cruise control system shall not change the level.


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