WHEN DO I SERVICE MY VEHICLE? All Ford petrol engine vehicles, with model year 2009 and later, should be serviced every 10,000 km or six months, whichever comes first. i.e., service on vehicle will be due on completing either six months or 10,000 km from the last service date/mileage.
Diesel vehicles should be serviced every 5,000 km or three months whichever comes first.
For routine service, customers are requested to book their vehicle in advance to avoid any delay. Please refer to page 11 to book your vehicle for service.
Vehicles encountering driving or safety issues require no booking and should be brought immediately to your nearest Al Tayer Motors or Premier Motors service centre.
*Please note that certain exclusions may exist, in the case of vehicles experiencing severe operating conditions. Such exclusions will be informed by your Service Advisor.
*Failure to do service at prescribed interval may void warranty.
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