Lane Departure Warning System

• Lane markings are not detected due to vehicles driving in front • The part of the windscreen where front camera is located is dirty, misted up, damaged or covered • No lane markings or several ambiguous lane markings are present, i.e.lanes branch off, cross or merge Note: The systemmay assist you when driving on fast main roads and freeways. Note: The systemmay operate with a minimum of one tracked lane marking. Note: The systemmay only operate above vehicle speeds of approximately 60km/h. Principle of operation Lane Departure Warning System sensor is located behind lower part of the windscreen. It continuously monitors conditions to alert the driver of unintentional lane drifting at high speeds. Once vehicle speed is above 60kph, if there are visible lane markings on each side of the road, lane markings may appear on the LDWS page of the cluster display showing that system is active and ready to warn.

WARNING LDWS is only a warning system and does not interfere with dynamics of the vehicle. Always drive attentively and do not try to test the system on the road. LDWS will not warn if emergency lights are active LDWS will not warn if LDWS warning lamp is constantly on, meaning that system is not active due to driver deactivation or an error. In order not to get lane departure warnings for the intended lane changes, always operate turn signal to the direction of lane change. The system does not relieve you of your responsibility to drive with due care and attention. At all times driver is responsible for controlling your vehicle, supervising the system and intervening if required.

The sensor may incorrectly track lane markings such as other structures or objects. This can result in a false or missed warning. In cold and severe weather conditions the systemmay not function. Rain, snow, spray, worn or dirty lane markings and large contrasts in lighting can all influence the sensor. The systemmay not operate in areas during roadwork construction. The systemmay not operate on roads with sharp bends or narrow lanes. Do not carry out windshield repairs in the immediate area surrounding the sensor. The systemmay be impaired or may not operate properly if: • Visible lane markings are not continuous • There is glare due to oncoming traffic, direct sunlight or reflections or from wet surfaces • Front camera visibility is low due to insufficient road illumination or due to snow, rain, fog or heavy spray


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