Engine coolant
After performing the necessary corrective action, bleeding air from the system is performed by the hand pump on the filter head. Press until hand pump is stiffened, and start the engine when the pump is stiffened. WARNING Do not continue on starting attempts if the vehicle does not start in a few attempt. There may still be air inside the fuel line. Pump fuel with the hand pump, then restart again. CAUTION Fuel that will be taken for the vehicles operating in cold climates shall be cold climate fuel resistant to waxing in cold weather. Otherwise, water inside the fuel will freeze and prevent flow of fuel to the engine; and the engine will not start.
Freezing temperature of the 50% distilled water and 50% antifreeze mixture is -37°C. On colder climates, it is possible to achieve protection up to -50°C by adjusting the mixture ratio to 40% distilled water and 60% antifreeze. Maximum antifreeze ratio is 60%, never exceed this ratio.
Engine coolant contains 50% antifreeze and 50% distilled water. Coolant circulates inside the engine block and cools the engine components. This fluid also cools the retarder oil in vehicles with retarder. CAUTION Antifreeze does not prevent freezing of the engine in winter only. It also lubricates the water pump and extends its service life. Ensure that the antifreeze complies with the Ford specifications when you are purchasing antifreeze. Lime and other chemicals in the non-distilled water cause corrosion in the cast engine block.
Cover of the engine coolant reservoir must always be tightly closed. Engine coolant reservoir is under the hood. The coolant level should be between the MIN and the MAX marks when the engine is cold, and it shall be inspected daily. If the coolant level is lower than the MIN mark, the x warning shall illuminate on the display. In this case:
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