Seats and Beds

3. While getting off from the vehicle, seat can be taken to the bottom position. All air will be sent out by pushing the latch. Seat will be turn to the previous position by deactiving the latch. It is recommended to use the seat by air during the drive to prevent seat mechanism from damage.

1. Seat back support can be adjusted by front button, seat lumbar support can be adjusted by rear button.Support zones can be inflated by ‘+’ and deflated by ‘-‘


2. Seat cushion angle can be adjusted by adjustment lever. Pull it to adjust and release.

4. Vertical impact absorption can be adjusted in different levels by the shock absorber latch for different road conditions. It is recommended to use the seat shock absorber at hard level on bumpy roads in order to provide control on the vehicle and to use soft level at smooth roads in order to increase comfort. Levels increase from upward to downward (from rearside to frontside).

1- Softer Shock Absorber Level 2- Soft Shock Absorber Level 3- Hard Shock Absorber Level 4- Harder Shock Absorber Level

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