Maserati safety 52
Wi th great power comes great respons ibi l i ty.
Adaptive Cruise Control with Stop & Go function
When activated during motorway driving, the Adaptive
Cruise Control with Stop & Go function constantly
monitors the amount of space between the Levante
and the vehicle ahead, maintaining a constant pre-set
distance. If traffic slows or another vehicle moves in
front, it slows the car down by coasting or engaging the
brakes. Conversely, when the vehicle ahead speeds up
or moves into another lane, the system accelerates up to
the pre-set speed. The Adaptive Cruise Control with
Stop & Go function is not affected by weather conditions,
and can be particularly convenient during fog, rain and
heavy spray, when visibility is reduced.
Forward Collision Warning
The Forward Collision Warning monitors vehicles ahead
by means of a camera, warns the driver if the car’s
approach could escalate into a rear-end collision, and
if the driver does not take action will provide a limited
level of active braking to help slow the vehicle down.
This is linked to the Advanced Brake Assist system, which
provides additional braking during an emergency stop.