Roof Mounted Bike Carrier VPLFR0091 Lockable bike carrier designed for holding a single bike.
Tow Bar Mounted Bike Carrier VPLVR0067 – Two Bike Carrier VPLVR0069 – Three Bike Carrier
13 Pin Towing Electrics VPLHT0061 Towing electrics, capable of supplying all trailer rear lighting and interior equipment power. 12N/12S Type Towing Electrics Adapter † Δ (shown above) VPLHT0060 12N Moulded Adapter † Δ VPLVT0064
This lockable quick release mechanism conveniently folds to ensures easy access to the tailgate. The carrier is manufactured from lightweight material and includes lighting and licence plate mount. Maximum load capacity 40kg for two bike carrier and 51kg for three bike carrier.
Fixed Height Flanged Tow Bar VPLVT0101 Range Rover Evoque bolt-on flanged tow ball system.
Fixed Height Swan Neck Tow Bar VPLVT0102 Fixed position swan neck tow bar which can tow a trailer with a 2,000kg load capacity.
Quick Release Tow Bar VPLVT0100 The quick release tow bar is lockable for security and easily removed.
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